I just finished creating a blog dedicated to Domestic Violence. I, as a survivor, am tired of my physical and mental health being affected from the one fateful day over 16 years ago. A recent reader of my book, Fractured Tears: A Struggle for Justice let me know her story. That gave me the idea to create a website, Facebook page, and Twitter account, to use for helping DV victims, posting their stories (anonymously if they want), having a forum where people can talk to each other, and connect with me, if they wish.
It's too common of a problem, and Domestic violence cases tripled during the pandemic during the lock downs, and those are the ones that were reported. Not many are reported until someone has been killed.
I almost died, and am grateful, no matter how i feel every day, physically and mentally, that I am lucky to be a live, and been able to raise my boys.
The facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/Amy-Shannon-Domestic-Violence-Survivor-100192009200925
The Twitter Account is https://twitter.com/dvsurvivor_2005
And the website is https://domesticviolencesu.wixsite.com/home
There are some pages that are still under construction, but I'm working on getting more resources added. I have created a Cafe Press Store, and 50% of all of those sales will be donated to a local domestic violence organization.